In order to use the pool, homeowners are REQUIRED to sign the attached waiver before your fob will be activated to use at the Quiet Moon Pool. You must write the numbers from the back of the fobs on the form. This waiver must be emailed to, please submit this as soon as possible as it may take up to 5 business days to activate your fob. This will be done in bulk to make it more efficient. If you have a tenant, you must provide them with the attached rules and attached waiver.
Your key fob should look like this and is dark grey in color
Do to a change on our site hosting a while back the Contact Us and Architectural Review Requests form submissions were not operational. That issue has finally been resolved. If you’ve previously submitted items using these methods and they’ve ended up in a black hole, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by that in the past.
This summer we’ve been partnering with our landscaping, irrigation, and maintenance vendors to address some items discovered by our volunteer board members or brought to the attention of the board by homeowners in our community either during our board meetings or through our property management partner, Real Manage. Just wanted to take a moment and call out some of the improvements that have been made over the last weeks and months.
Rambler Valley Erosion
Rock wall started eroding and dropping rocks onto the pavement. Partnered with our landscape engineer to repurpose some boulders to offset and prevent additional erosion.
Cypress Canyon / Gholson Park
Benches, the Tables, and Water Fountain began to look terrible and aged. All 4 benches have already been replaced and the tables and fountain will be replaced soon. (Additional pictures to come)
Around the walkway in the park were several dead trees that were removed.
Quiet Moon Playground
The playground mulch was getting very low exposing a root system which is a tripping hazard.
Zappa Pool Palms
The palm trees at the Zappa pool were in need of a trim.
Lime Creek Entrance
The entrance on Lime Creek was looking rather sparse and uncared for, and the lot behind it was getting missed by our landscapers. The lot is now getting routine maintenance and the entrance has new vegetation and irrigation.
Ruins Exposed Pipes
The ruins entrance to our neighborhood was in dire need of mulch as a lot of the irrigation was getting exposed to direct sunlight that would damage and reduce the life of the piping. The issue was addressed and the left over mulch was used at our sign.
Previously, the Texas Governor’s orders allowed HOA pools to open at 25% capacity. The HOA made the decision to open the Quiet Moon Pool at the required restricted capacity of 34 owners/residents. Starting Friday, June 5th, the Quiet Moon Pool will be open daily from Noon – 8:00 PM. This comes after review with the Association’s Attorney, Federal, State and Local Order, as well as CDC Recommendations. The opening will require the HOA to incur additional costs including lifeguards/monitors to assist in maintaining the restricted capacity requirements and the recommended sanitization of the pool area. Now that the Governor has revised the order to 50% capacity we will be putting a plan together to expand occupancy, and will communicate when that change will be made.
Due to the limited capacity of Zappa Pool under the 25 % restriction of a maximum of 12 owner/residents allowed to be at the pool at any given time, the Zappa Pool was to remain closed until the capacity requirements increased. The HOA had also considered the financial aspect of the pool opening. Due to the need to use additional personnel to lifeguard and monitor the capacity and for proper sanitization, it did not make sense to open the Zappa Pool with such low capacity allowed. The HOA wants to remain within current budgeted amounts for the 2020 pool season. However now that the restrictions have been revised to 50% capacity the decision to open Zappa is under review.
In order to use the pool, homeowners are REQUIRED to sign the attached waiver before your fob will be activated to use at the Quiet Moon Pool. You must write the numbers from the back of the fobs on the form. This waiver must be emailed to, please submit this as soon as possible as it may take up to 5 business days to activate your fob. This will be done in bulk to make it more efficient. If you have a tenant, you must provide them with the attached rules and attached waiver.
Your key fob should look like this and is dark grey in color
We ask that you please read the attached Rules of the Restricted Pool Opening. These Rules must be adhered to in order for the Quiet Moon Pool to be opened and remain opened during this time. We also ask that you please be considerate of your neighbors in using the pool, it will take everyone’s cooperation to make use of the pool successful and as fair as possible.
If you haven’t been by Cypress Canyon Park (also referred to as Gholson Park) lately, then make sure to swing by around sunset to catch the newly installed lighting.
Since it’s the time of year when it gets darker earlier, residents are familiar with how the park quickly becomes pitch black at night. Not only does the darkness dissuade early evening utilization of the park, but the community has also had to deal with petty vandalism of the park’s assets.
The Deer Creek HOA partnered with Enhanced Outdoor Lighting & Design to beautifully light the entry way, pavilion, and primary pathing through the park. Special consideration was made to ensure the newly added lighting couldn’t be easily vandalized.
The lighting just went in and it’s already getting rave reviews by residents. Don’t take our word for it, enjoy it for yourself, especially once it starts warming up in Spring.
The Deer Creek HOA wants to personally thank everyone for coming out to the End of Summer Bash at the Quiet Moon Pool and Playground on August 9th. The event was a huge success with lots of families cooling off with free Tropical Sno snow cones, filling their bellies from the Red, White, and Que food truck, listening to tunes from The American Revival, and enjoying the pool, playground, and games put on by HelloNabr.
This is the second event this year we’ve put on with HelloNabr, the first being the End of School Pool Party on May 31st at the Zappa Pool celebrating the renovation and re-plastering of that pool. We hope you were able to make it to one of these events. They serve as great ways for the HOA to give back to the community and introduce neighbors to one another. We’re already in talks on potential future events, so stay tuned or attend one of our Board of Director’s meetings to learn more!
Please join us for our end of the summer bash for the entire family on August 9th from 6 – 8PM at the Quiet Moon Pool. Details are enclosed in the flyer. There will be live music, games, trivia, and food trucks. HelloNabr will help us with the event.
We hope that you can join us for an evening of fun.
The Zappa Pool suffered delamination of its surface from age. The water features and water jets in the beach entry also needed to be repaired. Some of you remember that only one water jet worked but it could not be repaired without breaking the surface of the beach entry.
When these items were noticed in the springtime of last year, the better contractors were booked solid and doing the work at that time would have delayed the opening of the pool. Because of this, the board opted to defer the work after consulting with multiple pool experts. Doing the work now during the off-season has allowed us to obtain better pricing and will give us time to have everything tested and operational in time for the opening.
The resurfacing involves chipping and grinding the plaster to the layer of cement. It will then be primed and a new layer of plaster will be poured with a blue quartz finish while the beach entry will have a sand color pebbletec finish. The water features will be sanded, primed, repainted and the orbs will be replaced with similar color schemes and equipment.
All of the work is scheduled to be completed well ahead of the anticipated opening on May 31st which is also the last day of school for LISD.
Selecting the vendor that currently maintains our pools, allowed us to extend the warranty an additional two years over what other vendors offered.
We hope that you enjoy the newly surfaced pool once it’s completed!
The fuel break project must cease operations on Feb 28th
until September. It is likely that only the northern portion of the tract can
be completed. From March 1 to August 31 is the time the golden-cheeked warblers
make their habitat at the Baker Sanctuary. They are federally protected and no
work can continue until they migrate out of the area.
There were delays in having the work begin due to
contractual issues. This resulted in a later than expected start.
We appreciate your understanding!
As reviewed in the October HOA Annual Meeting, the Baker Sanctuary/Travis County Audubon Society ( received federal funds to create a fire break between the sanctuary and the homes in the Deer Creek HOA. The goal is to reduce the probability of fires by reducing ladder and fine ground fuels. They anticipate that the work will begin around Tuesday, January 22nd and will likely begin on Lime Creek by Canyon Springs.
As reviewed in the October HOA Annual Meeting, the Baker Sanctuary/Travis County Audubon Society ( received federal funds to create a fire break between the sanctuary and the homes in the Deer Creek HOA. The goal is to reduce the probability of fires by reducing ladder and fine ground fuels. They anticipate that the work will begin around Tuesday, January 22nd and will likely begin on Lime Creek by Canyon Springs.
The land clearing crews will access the park located at Zambia and Passionflower Pass with their equipment to gain access to some of the areas behind the homes on Zambia. This is the least evasive to access the area with the minimum effect on the terrain.
The City of Cedar Park has allocated bond monies for the expansion of Anderson Mill from Zeppelin to Cypress Creek. This will expand the roadway from two lanes to four. The medians will remain and the widening is roughly 6 – 8′ from the current white line.
Below is information on the project. Check back to this page for additional details and updates.