Deer Dear Creek Ranch Homeowners,
Previously, the Texas Governor’s orders allowed HOA pools to open at 25% capacity. The HOA made the decision to open the Quiet Moon Pool at the required restricted capacity of 34 owners/residents. Starting Friday, June 5th, the Quiet Moon Pool will be open daily from Noon – 8:00 PM. This comes after review with the Association’s Attorney, Federal, State and Local Order, as well as CDC Recommendations. The opening will require the HOA to incur additional costs including lifeguards/monitors to assist in maintaining the restricted capacity requirements and the recommended sanitization of the pool area. Now that the Governor has revised the order to 50% capacity we will be putting a plan together to expand occupancy, and will communicate when that change will be made.
Due to the limited capacity of Zappa Pool under the 25 % restriction of a maximum of 12 owner/residents allowed to be at the pool at any given time, the Zappa Pool was to remain closed until the capacity requirements increased. The HOA had also considered the financial aspect of the pool opening. Due to the need to use additional personnel to lifeguard and monitor the capacity and for proper sanitization, it did not make sense to open the Zappa Pool with such low capacity allowed. The HOA wants to remain within current budgeted amounts for the 2020 pool season. However now that the restrictions have been revised to 50% capacity the decision to open Zappa is under review.
In order to use the pool, homeowners are REQUIRED to sign the attached waiver before your fob will be activated to use at the Quiet Moon Pool. You must write the numbers from the back of the fobs on the form. This waiver must be emailed to, please submit this as soon as possible as it may take up to 5 business days to activate your fob. This will be done in bulk to make it more efficient. If you have a tenant, you must provide them with the attached rules and attached waiver.

We ask that you please read the attached Rules of the Restricted Pool Opening. These Rules must be adhered to in order for the Quiet Moon Pool to be opened and remain opened during this time. We also ask that you please be considerate of your neighbors in using the pool, it will take everyone’s cooperation to make use of the pool successful and as fair as possible.
Board of Directors
Deer Creek Ranch HOA